NOTES ON Thomas Sayre:
Before 1638 First Sayre To Emigrate From Eng.To Colonies, Probably Near Age 40,
Lynn, Mass. was settled in 1629. In 1638 the committee appointed to divide the lands completed their work, and a book was provided in which were recorded the names of the proprietors with the number of acres allotted to each. This book is lost, but the first three pages have been preserved, and on the first page appear the names of Thomas Sayre, sixty acres, and Job Sayre (his brother) sixty acres.
From Lynn six colonies had been sent out prior to 1640 to make settlements elsewhere. In the preceding year (1639) another colony undertook to make a settlement on Long Island. They invited Mr. Abraham Pierson of Boston, to become their minister, who, with seven of the emigrants, entered into a church covenant before they left Lynn. The eight "undertakers," as they were called, purchased a sloop for the transportation of their families and goods for 80 pounds, Thomas and Job Sayre each contributing 5 pounds as his share. Articles of agreement dated March 10, 1639/40 were drawn up and signed. A copy will be found in Howell's "History of Southampton."
In 1648 Thomas Sayre built the house on the town lot apportioned him in that year; which is undoubtedly the oldest English house on Long Island, or in the state of New York. It is still habitable, and had never passed out of the hands or occupancy of the family, until in 1892, upon the death of Mrs. Sarah (Sayre) Larry, it fell to her heirs, and was sold to settle her estate. It later belonged to her son, Capt. Larry. It stands on the west side of the main street, north of the academy, cornerwise to the road, a rod or so back from the fence, surrounded by rose bushes and fragrant shrubbery, and shaded by tall trees which are young in comparison to the age of the house. The great chimney, the narrow windows, the massive frame, are all as they were; and the endurance of the old mansion is not yet half tested. The original roof, no doubt, was thatched, as were those of the church, parsonage and jail, built about the same time. And a village ordinance required that a permanent ladder reach from the chimney to the ground as a precaution against fire.
Job's Lane, or the Academy Lane, was originally a portion of Thomas Sayre's homestead, and was given to the town as a thoroughfare by his son Job. Since this description was written several small houses have been put up on Main Street in front of the "old Sayre house," and a fine Public Library has been erected on Job's Lane so that the house is not now visible from the streets. This venerable relic is now neglected and efforts should be made to purchase it by the town and preserve it as an historical monument.
Thomas Sayre was a prominent man among the founders, as appears from the following extract from the town records:
October 10, 1649: at a General Court he was one of three men chosen "to agitate town business, and they are to have the same authority that the five men had the last year." This is the first record extant of the choice of town rulers, and he may have held office earlier
October 6, 1651: he was one of the five men chosen "for governing of town affairs" - "to act and order all town affairs whatsoever excepting matters of admitting of inhabitants or giving of lands."
October 6, 1654: he was chosen one of three "Townsmen".
March 6, 1657: He was chosen at a town meeting as one of six men "to act and conclude concerning a difference concerning land which east Hampton men make within our bounds."
At a court, June 19, 1657 he was one of five men "chosen to lay out roads and view fences." December 9, 1658 at a town meeting, he was chosen to be "overseer for mending the bridge." October 1648 he "was allowed for his base drum the sum of thirteen shillings, and his year begins the said day." There being no church bells, a drummer was employed to go round the town and summon people to church and town meetings.
He was probably of a quick temper, and not slow to express his opinions even about those in authority, as is evidenced by the following:
November 18, 1644 "Thomas Sayre was censured for some contemptuous carriage to Mr. Gosmer, being Magistrate, to pay ten shillings and to make public acknowledgment of his offense, which if he shall refuse, then to be liable to pay forty shillings."
March 1653 "Thomas Sayre and Joshua Barnes for speaking unseemly and unsavory words in the Court or concerning the Court were fined to pay ten shillings each. Note - ye fines remitted upon their acknowledgment March 6, 1654."
His original will, with autograph signature, is preserved in the office of the Surrogate, New York, and is recorded there in Liber I, folio 63. It reads as follows:
In ye name of God, Amen. I, Thomas Sayre of South Hampton on Long Island in the Com. Nov: Yorke, being in perfect strength of mind, blessed be ye Lord for it, but weake of Bodye, not knowing ye day of my appointed change doe make this last Will and Testament, in manner following:
"Imprimis. I give and freely bequeath my Soule unto God that gave it and my Body unto earth from whence it was first taken.
2d. I give unto my sonne ffrancis Sayre 2 acres of land lyeing next unto his own in Copt Neck in ye Great Playnes and 2 acres more of land lyeing in ye Eight acres Lotts in ye said Great Playnes, a pewter fflaggon, A Pewter Bowl, and great Pewter Platter.
3d. I give unto my sonne Daniell Sayre 2 acres of land lyeing next unto ye above said two acres in ye said Eight acre Lotts, and three acres more of Land lyeing in the Ten acre Lotts, and one great Pewter Platter.
4th. I give unto my sonne Joseph Sayre, ffourty pounds Sterling to be paid him by my Executor Ten pounds per annum to beginne wth in five years next after my decease to be paid in good Merchant's Shoos or other pay that will procure Hides toward his setting up as a Tanner
5th. I give unto my daughter Damaris Atwater ffourty Shillings.
6th. I give unto my daughter Mary Price ffourty Shillings.
7th. I give unto my daughter Hannah Sayre Twenty pounds to be paid at her day of marriage or when she shall be eighteen years of age which shall first happen and that my Executor doe keep her Cow and Calfe and their increase for her untill she shall be either married or in some other capable way to maintain them.
8th. I give my household goods to be equally divided between my sons Job and Joseph and Hannah, and that when they be divided, Hannah have her first choice of ye parties.
9th. Lastly. I by this last Will and Testament have made my son Job Sayre my sole Exacutor to receive all my Worldly estate, both of Housing, Lands, goods and Cattle and Debts due to me from any person or persons, and to pay all debts due from me and all Legacyes specified.
In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale this 16th day of September, 1669."
Signed, sealed and delivered in ye presence of
For more information about his family check out this website:
1 comment:
The group of “undertakers” from Lynn, Massachusetts, were quite a number of years developing the new settlement at Southampton, Long Island. Thomas’ house was completed eight years after their official settlement. It was possibly the first completed house and stood as “New York’s oldest” for about 264-years until 1912 when it was declared a fire hazard and torn down. When Banta’s SAYRE FAMILY was written (1895-1901), the old house was still inhabited and belonged to a Captain Stephen Sayre Larry who lived at Sacramento, California.
In 1901, the old house stood on the west side of the main street, north of the academy, corner wise to the road, a rod or so back from the fence, surrounded by rose bushes and fragrant shrubbery, and shaded by tall trees.
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